Blogs with Udayan

The Zeal To Reach The Zenith

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow" ~ quotes Hellen Keller.

I would like to begin by asking a question – “Do you wish to achieve your goals and become successful?” Well, the answer to this question is perhaps a big YES and that’s the reason you are here because the topic perhaps interests you. This journey is tedious, but of course possible and with continuous efforts and motivation, we can make it a journey full of cheers and charms and can reach our destined and desired goal.

The zeal to reach the zenith

Dear readers, in today's hypocritic and materialistic world, man finds himself helpless and hapless, struggling with life to achieve more and more. It is good to dream big, to work for it and then relish the fruits of hard work; but in this voyage of success, there are people who end up getting demotivated, stressed and ultimately fall down. We ought to remember that success is not a bed of roses. Without hard work and sacrifice, you can't succeed, unless you are born with a silver spoon in mouth. In this journey of success and the journey of conspiring your dreams, you need to be motivated and believe me, there is nothing greater than self-motivation. It should be your goal that must ablaze your body and mind to achieve what you desire. There are times when we all feel down by the pulls and pressures of life. To overcome such instances, I would like to introduce you with the "FAT formula" that will always keep you encouraged and enlightened. In this acronym, F is FOCUS which is the first step. You must have an aim and be focused towards it. Focus and concentration helps ease your success story. A is ATTITUDE.  The line "It is your attitude that determines your altitude" is per-se self-explanatory. You should possess an enthusiastic and winning attitude, aligned towards your profession and dreams. T is THINKING, which ought to be pragmatic and optimistic as optimism eradicates the evil thoughts and energies and pragmatism makes you solve the puzzles of life.

We should also remember that, at times, life may make us fall down, but it always opens the doors to new opportunities. We just need to grab them and make out the best from them. Failure isn’t the end. It has to be the beginning of a successful and progressive era. Learn from your failures, identify the mistakes, rectify them and work hard consistently. We should never lose hope. With constant and arduous efforts, we will definitely achieve our goals and serve our family, community and nation at large.

I would like to sign off by quoting few lines of APJ Abdul Kalam:

"I am born with potential

I am born with confidence

I am born with ideas

I am born with dreams

I am born with wings

I will fly, fly and fly."

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